What this is about…

I do projects… a lot of projects…

With the completion of each project (or the failure of 3), my wife says to me – “you should post this stuff somewhere”. So, this is my attempt…

Some of my projects to date that I will try to recapture here (with whatever pictures I can find):

  • Beer Makin’
  • PiWall (5 monitor/5 Raspberry Pi display)
  • Wine Closet (“Push” present for my wife)
  • Universal Remote Control (using a Pi Zero W)
  • Toy Chest for the little one
  • Outdoor Kitchen (still in progress)
  • Breakfast Banquette
  • Many, many more…

The quote at the bottom of the page – “Always completing to 95%” – is something my wife says to me about most of my projects. I try to strive for 100% completion – but most everything with never be complete to me.

There will also be random musings regarding my love of bourbon, programming, networking, rants, etc.

Daniel Blair Written by: